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Cross-India, Coast to Crest

Digha East Medinipur district, Digha

Coast to Crest is unique on its own: the first such race starts off the Bay of Bengal, on Digha sea beach, and end in the mighty Himalayas. Nowhere in the world, a racer will find a route more challenging than this to face the gruelling last 100 and odd km in the world's highest mountain range Himalayan foothills, valley and finally reach the end point at about 2,300 metres or 7,400 feet.

Hoodoo 500 – 2023

Welcome to the Hoodoo 500 ultra-marathon cycling event presented by Planet Ultra! The most epic and challenging event of its kind, the Hoodoo 500 route passes through or around three National Parks, three National Monuments and several Utah State Parks. The scenery varies from majestic cliffs and striking red rock hoodoos to aspen and pine forests and high mountain meadows. All the best of Utah’s Color Country! Geologically speaking, hoodoos are tall, skinny spires of rock that protrude from the bottom of arid basins and sedimentary rock. Mystically speaking, hoodoo means a magical spell; which is what the Hoodoo 500 […]

Race Around Poland 1/4 (900km) 2023

In 2023, the third edition of the longest one-stage cycling race in Poland will start from Warsaw.

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